EarthPositive® Carbon Footprint.

A 90% reduction of the carbon footprint - a result
of more than 2 years hard work!

As a result of using renewable energy and low impact farming techniques ee have reduced the
carbon footprint of EarthPositive® by over 89%, while producing the apparel in an ethical and
sustainable manner.

carbon           carbon

EarthPositive® proves that it is possible to produce cotton clothing without any detrimental effects
to the Earth's soil, water or inhabitants, whether they be animals, plants or people, or to its climate.

The Carbon Trust calculated that without the use of renewable energy, the carbon footprint of
the EP01 Men's white T-shirt in size Large would have been 6.574kg CO2; it now stands at 671g
which represents an 89.79% reduction in CO2 emissions.

The 671g carbon reduction label represents the EP01 Men's white T-shirt size. Each different size has
a different CO2e value, as do different colours. CO2 represents the CO2e equivalent. This means
we’ve looked at all the green house gases including methane, carbon monoxide, etc, which all have
an impact score relative to carbon dioxide.

EarthPositive® is a unique product, a unique concept, and has sell-through into every conceivable
industry sector. EarthPositive is a new business opportunity with none of the negative effects of conventional business.

carbon trust